Coca Cola Amphitheater Parking

1430 24th Street N, Birmingham, Alabama 35234

NOTICE: Traffic in Birmingham by the Coca Cola Amphitheater can get busier at times of the major events. We typically recommend allowing extra time to arrive, park and walk to the venues entrance.

The Coca-Cola Amphitheater offers several parking options for guests:

Parking decks

The BJCC parking decks are within walking distance of the venue and offer secure and spacious parking. Depending on the event, rates typically range from $10 to $20.

The parking decks are accessible from Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard and 22nd Street North.

Surface lots

Multiple surface lots are available around the Uptown District. These lots are slightly cheaper but may fill up quickly for larger events.

Street parking

Limited metered street parking is available in the area. Be sure to check signage for time limits and restrictions.

Tips for parking

  • » Arrive early to secure a spot, especially during sold-out events or festivals. The area can get quite busy on event days, so it is recommended that you allow enough time.
  • » Pre-paid parking options may be available for certain events – check the main website or ticketing platform.
  • » Use navigation apps like Google Maps or Waze to find the best routes and real-time parking availability.